Blog Snobs



"I'm sorry that people are so jealous of me...but I can't help it that I'm so popular."
quote from the movie Mean Girls

A definition of "snob" I found recently was this:

a person who believes himself or herself an expert or connoisseur in a given field and is condescending toward or disdainful of those who hold other opinions or have different tastes regarding this field.

The "field" we are talking about today is that of blogging. As I'm sure many of you know, blogging can be a wonderful thing. You can find other bloggers with similar interests as your own, you can get feedback, you can laugh, connect, be entertained, and if you're an emotional type of person, you may actually find yourself crying over at someones neck of the virtual woods. You can see a blog friend turn into a real life friend (ahem) and you can feel like you are a "part" of something. It's true when they say that blogging is a community, a comradeship, a stomping ground for us all who have something to say.

But just like every other group of girls that get together, there are bound to be cliques, the cool crowd, the mean girls...

or in this arena

The Blog Snobs.

dun dun dun

In my never to be humble opinion, there are a few things that qualify someone as a blog snob. In no particular order...

BE SUPERIOR. And make sure everyone else knows it. I followed a certain blogger on twitter one time (names withheld for shame purposes) and this person tweeted something to the effect of "why do certain bloggers have to be so pretentious" to which I kiddingly replied "well that isn't a very nice way to describe me." (If you even semi know me? I am a heap of sarcasm. I kid all the time.) Her response? "I wasn't talking about you, nor do I have any idea who you are or what your blog is even about." Talk about not being able to take a joke. And for the record? That snotty blogger? At the time, she had hundreds more followers than me, so I assumed she thought I was a nobody. I just checked a few days ago and I currently have 500+ more followers than her...


THE FOLLOWING GAME. Allllllll the bloggers say it: "Blogging isn't about the number of followers." I'm just gonna call bullshit on this one. Every single blogger wakes up and logs onto their page, hoping to see their follower count go up. I honestly cringe every time I read a post about how "followers are not important whatsoever, it's all about the writing." I cringe for two reasons: a) they are lying sacks of sh#t and b) yes, it is all about the writing, but how come we can't just come right out and say that if you suck as a writer, your follower count won't go up, but if you have a gift and can make people laugh/cry/connect/feel something...than you will be successful and see the fruits of your labor? Not everyone can be a pro-athlete, just like not everyone can be a pro-blogger. 

THE FOLLOWING GAME PART II. No one starts out with one thousand followers. Every single blogger starts out with the humble number of one. single. follower. I did, she did, and that person who has twelve thousand followers did too. I can't tell you how many times when I was just starting out, I commented some blogger who had a million and one followers. I commented and commented and commented. Not only because I liked what I was reading, but because I hoped that yes, one day this blogger might take notice and come by my space on the interwebs and maybe comment my blog too. Most of the time? They never took notice 'til my follower count went up. As if I wasn't good enough, as if I didn't start out exactly where they did...needless to say, I no longer comment them.


LET'S TALK ABOUT SPONSORS, SHALL WE? First things first, I have no problem whatsoever with making money off your blog. But more times than once, I have come across a few uber-successful bloggers who say that their sponsors come first, and then their readers. Excuse me? If it wasn't for your thousands of readers, you wouldn't have those high paying sponsors. How about giving credit where credit is due...respond to your readers, engage with them, comment them about forgetting the little people...and while we're at it, no one likes to read "sponsored" posts every other day. Go back to your roots, stick with what made you successful in the first place.

A LINK-UP ANYONE? HOW ABOUT A GUEST POST? Like I stated earlier, everyone started out small. But it seems that when a blogger gets successful, they suddenly think their blog is sacred...and that maybe they don't want to "congest it" with a link-up button. Think about it: most big bloggers don't participate in link-ups. But when they host one themselves? You better believe they expect everyone and their mother to link-up with them. Why is this? I can only assume that they think their shit don't stink, and that they are "too good" to link-up with someone hundreds of followers beneath them.

About that guest post? Don't even think about asking someone who has a ton more followers than you. They will think you are either "using" them or "trying to get their readers for yourself." Don't you know that they are way better than you??

YOU CAN'T SIT WITH US. And then there is the cool girl blog circle where they won't let anyone new in. You know 'em when you see 'em...every time one of them has guest bloggers, they always have each other. I can't tell you how many times I have been passed over for a guest post because I didn't have near the amount of followers as the blog host. And now that I am creeping up in the follower arena, slowly but surely? Those "bloggers" are reaching out to me and asking me if I would like to guest post. I politely turn them down.

I'M SO UGLY/FAT/STUPID PLEASE REAFFIRM ME. You know the ones, the blog posts that are so beyond self-deprecating that they are just begging for positive comments. Please tell them how gorgeous/skinny/smart they are and they will love you forever, and if your comment is super good, they may even link to you in the future!


Basically, if you are a decent person, an honest blogger and someone who just has a passion for writing, you may well be on your way to succeeding. 

And if not?

You may very well be........


dun dun dun


  1. I totally agree with you!!!

    It does hurt when someone unfollows or that my follower count doesn't go up, but I try not to let it get to me. Even though, it often does. I just don't want to have to pay someone to sponsor and tell everyone how much they blog, when they may or may not have read it before. I've seen sponsors who take sponsors from people, but NEVER comment on them or rarely engage with them. How can you take money from someone and not at least pretend like you like their blog?

    I've also noticed how "certain" bloggers don't participate in linkups or anything, because they are "too big" or "too good." Linkups are fun and a good way to find other blogs.

    I've followed quite a few blogs, and they have a decent number of followers (some more than others), and love their blog. I comment and comment, and never receive a word back from them. It is like they stay in their own little clique. I always keep they will notice my blog, but they don't. It really makes me want to stop commenting, because I just don't have time for it.

    I think the "blog snobs" forget that they started off at the bottom. Everyone does. Like you said, everyone started with one follower.

  2. I really Love you and your honesty!!! :)

  3. "I know you like to think your shit don't stink, but your roses really smell like poo..ouuu... ou.. ou..." totally singing (do you know that song?) and dammit~! Just woke up a babe! Thanks for another awesome post lovely! Now I have to go think up some clever way I can have you on my blog stat! #sonotkidding #loveyou

  4. I definitely couldn't have said it anywhere near as well as you.

  5. This is so well said! I have stumbled apon many blogs where you can straight up tell they r blogging for all the wrong reasons. Get the eff off your high horse realize you are not the bees knees and STFU! Mmmmmkay? Thanks!

    Anyway thanks for posting this I love it!

  6. you are a rockstar!
    very well-said. i looovvve this post

  7. I just started blogging and this will help NOT becoming a SNOB :)

  8. Love love love this! I've been seeing lots of this lately & it sucks! The most annoying one to me is the link up thing. I think its bc I host a link up. But I also participate in lots. Matter of fact I think next week I'm doing one every day to help get others link ups out there. People let this shiz get to their heads & forget that they were once a small blogger too

  9. And if I don't comment on this I just might feel like a blog snob ;)

    Haha, it is so true! About the commenting on a blog non-stop in hopes that they will check out my page. Haha, I stopped that wishing a year ago and commenting mon-stop. I always took it as they have tons more followers than I do, so it is hard to keep up but maybe, just maybe they are snobs.

    Now about the linkups. I only do one. I might be a snob then, hehe. But I don't have tons of followers so maybe it won't pertain to me, haha. I kid, I kid.

    Ok I got to get ready for work. If I had more time I'll touch on everything you wrote.

    But as always I love your honesty. Even if they aren't always my point of views I just love that there is someone out there who keeps it real.

    Talk soon ♥

  10. I totally agree!! That is why I love reading your blog so much..,

  11. i love this post and your honesty! i always look through tons of blogs that say they have "blogging tips" and they ALWAYS say the amount of followers doesn't matter and it's the writing that counts. and i always get SO SAD like "why do I care so much?!" haha but i'm glad to know that it's normal to care about followers! :)

  12. ha ha ha. I need to meet more of these blog snobs. How funny.

  13. This post couldn't be more true. I have not been trying to connect long but have already encountered some of this. So I've actually been seeking out blogs with less than 100 followers. I'm here to connect and build relationships. Many times I emailed asking blog advice to some big bloggers with either no response or very vague answers. So I unfollow them. I thought the blogging community was all about helping each other. But now I feel sometimes that I'm back in high school.

  14. i predict you receiving a ton of guest blogging request in the next few days....

  15. I agree with all of this!! And I can think of several bloggers who probably need to read this, but won't because they are blog snobs. Hahaha!

  16. so true girl. thanks for keeping it real!

  17. Love it! You are so honest, that's why I like you!

    And the lack of sponsor posts.... Gag me with one everyday yuck! on Wednesdays we wear pink xoxo

  18. Nail on the head. Love it and love your honesty.

  19. I've been in and out of so many blog circles and "cliques" that I've learned that it all changes eventually. I blog for the friends and fun, but my heart goes pitter pat at the sight of a new follower and I love getting comments.

  20. that was a-maz-ing. I am new to this bloggy world and hope that I don't run across these so called "blog snobs" any time soon. you rock, way to keep it real!

  21. This is all so true. You are one of the first blogs I ever followed and I just love you. That is all...

  22. This comment has been removed by the author.

  23. great post Raven girl. super well said. :) xoxo ps I am still laughing about your cucumber/zucchini comment.

  24. haha! love this post! its all so so true!!!!!!!!!!!!

    i hope i am not a blog snob!!

    or how about the people that charge to guest post? REMEMBER!?!? oy


  25. A-FREAKIN-MEN!!! That's all I have to say. LOVE!!

  26. AnonymousJune 19, 2012

    Thanks for calling out the blog snobs. Heifers.

  27. Love this post! I think the blog snobs out there need to take a cue from you!

  28. AnonymousJune 19, 2012

    You are dead on - LOVE your honesty!

  29. hehe just kidding.

    (although I'm sure you knew that... this is so your readers know i was kidding lol)

    ok, so now you're telling me not only can I never play for the Red Sox, but I also can't just sit home and blog all day because it won't ever pay my bills? WELL SHT!

    but seriously... awesome post... duh. you rock


  30. Thank you for saying this. As a "newbie" I look around and question some of the things going on but kind of feel like the girl who FINALLY got her first hollister dress in middle school and doesn't QUITE have the authority to lip off and let's face it, I bought that dress to fit in with the snobs.

    That being said, I feel like whatever "circle" I try to be a part of (the legal circle, the blogging circle) I just don't QUITE fit in (hello, more middle school baggage)... but I hate that I'm made to feel stupid for commenting on "big" blogs to no response. Don't even get me started on the cliquey stuff. It's too pathetic and sad for me to straight up be like "be my freynd?" but I kinda feel like that at times. ESPECIALLY for people I follow who I have a real possibility of meeting someday. I'm such a weenie. (oh shit, was that self-depricating? aww, fuck it.)

  31. Gah....thank you for this post dear. I've been reading and following your blog for a long while now. I love that you always keeps it real. And yes you make me laugh...and send links to other people to laugh. Cuz you're damn hilarious. Blog snobs suck...sometimes they take the fun out of blogging and discourage us little bloggers. U is not a snob tho. U is a crazy bish, but not a snob.

  32. Oh Raven. How I love you. Thanks for calling it like you see it. always. I have been thinking lately how bad I suck at blogging because I am terrible about responding to comments. or leaving comments for that matter. Its pretty much a never ending battle in my brain. Anyhow, loved this post.

    ps. you were a topic of conversation the other night with my parents. it may have involved how you wanted us to vlog about our favorite positions. thanks for that awkward dinner convo.

  33. Bingooooooooooooooooooooooooo

  34. The sad thing is, "those" bloggers would read this and still be all "Amen, you said! That's not me!"

    Some days I miss the blogging days of a few years ago. When everyone I followed was small and actually wrote real posts. Now all they do is giveaways and talk about sponsers and blog conferences. LAME

  35. Preach on!! Every word you just wrote is so true!

  36. I love this. haha! You are fantastic, Raven!

  37. Love this. But still funny to see some of those ones with 'cliques' commenting. :-) No doubt we all have our favorites, but I see those commenting on their 'cliques' page, but don't comment on others or answer real questions when asked.
    Great post!

    1. Sadly, I noticed this too. Even before I read this, I was wondering if anyone like "that" would comment. Hahaha :)

  38. Ah Raven! I definitely can't put words together as good as you... Well spoken post!,

  39. More affirmation on why I love you Raven! I hate blog snobs, I wanna bitch slap them and their high school clique ways!

  40. Raven, you really know how to make a girl feel really great or really bad about themselves! I love your honesty! Me, Well this post made me feel really good! I now know that I am NOT a Blog Snob! I will strive to never become one of those bishes! You know, come to think about it, it's time for you to go on another vacay! I'm thinking EAST COAST BABY! ;)

  41. You make me smile. On a daily basis. Keep at it!

  42. Ugh, blog snobs...and they all get together on Twitter and have full on conversations and if you interject with a comment, they ignore you.

  43. This is so true and I love how honest you are in this. I appreciate every single person who finds me interesting enough to keep coming back and hearing about my life. I started out with my fiance and one other person as a follower. I did a blogroll cleanse because I was SO sick of reading a giveaway every day instead of THEM! I also recently reached out on twitter for guest posts since I'm going away for 5 days and....crickets. In the end, we all blog for a reason and being snobby isn't supportive. I didn't join blogger to be thrown back into high school.

  44. i have 28 followers. 3 of them are my dad, who set up multiple blogger accounts because he's not tech-saavy.

    i write about all the fashion stuff these dumb bitches obsess over - bauble necklaces, arm candy, and hair spray.

    actually, no i dont, because I don't have the money to buy all that shit...and IDGAF...

    please let me guest post for you - i need your followers! bahahaha

    just kidding. but seriously. kidding.

    not really.

    ;) GREAT post, girl! THIS is why i love reading your posts! :)

  45. Thank you for always saying what everyone else is thinking!

  46. And this is the reason I love reading your blog! Pure honesty and you always crack me up!

  47. Nailed it. ;) Thanks for always keep it real! :)

  48. Great post girl!! I've def noticed people who are blogging like they are playing a game. Happy Tues! xxoo

  49. I love that you posted this. It is so true and so funny. So does that mean that you will guest post over at my new blog? ;)

  50. AnonymousJune 19, 2012

    WELL SAID beautiful! You know I always give it up to you on this topic.

    I hate them bitches. That's why I read who I do and avoid who I do. I don't like fake, too good for me, bitches.

    And just a sidenote- THANK YOU for the guest post last year while I was on vacay. You probably didn't know who I was, but when I asked, you DID IT.

    THAT is why we love you Raven!

  51. Your honesty is THE REASON I follow you! I love that you tell it how it is and aren't afraid to say what everyone else is thinking. Thanks for staying true to who you are.

  52. I love this and isn't it the truth! I used to follow a certain blogger who constantly would say it's not about the numbers and removed their follower widget and then two weeks later added it back. Then she would tweet and blog about how big her blogs going to be this year to only come back a short time later and write a post about how simple blogging used to be and how she misses it. I don't follow her blog anymore but i still for some unknown reason follow her on twitter and check in once in awhile so I can talk mad shit about her in my head and make myself feel better. Sorry not sorry about that.

  53. AnonymousJune 19, 2012

    You need to write a book. I never EVER read but I would buy your book in a second. Keep it real girlfriend. I love you and your awesome blog ;)

  54. This comment has been removed by the author.

  55. Raven, you are dead on!! I love this post. This is why I love your blog, you tell it as it is and aren't snobby.

  56. Yup, you're awesome! Agree with all of the above! I have guest posters for me next week that have 2-300 less followers than me, but who cares?

    Also, another good point.. Is bigger blogs not following smaller blogs. I know you can't follow everyone, but seriously. I like how I see you and Becky from Mrs to Mama following so many blogs.

    Props to ya!

  57. As one of those bloggers with roughly 30 followers, I can't even begin to tell you how much I agree! I feel like some people become a slave to blogger and try to portray themselves as this weird perfect persona on the internet.
    Like I've said before, you're freaking brilliant. You constantly have me laughing at my desk. And sometimes I think we could be twins haha
    Keep doing what you're doing, clearly your readers love you!

  58. As a new blogger this is so on point! Thank you for being so honest and telling it like it is!!! It seems the virtual world can be just as catty as high school! Who would've thought!! xoxo!

  59. You're the woman!! You already know I'm going to name my first daughter after you, so now I have to come up with another way to honor your awesomeness! ;)

    You know what else is awesome about this post?!?! I read all the comments and now I found a lot of other new/small/cooooool bloggers to follow who are all about meeting people -whether their blog has 2 or 20000 followers!

  60. Was so excited to see this post pop up in my Reader this morning!!! Well said - and painfully true.

  61. what is MOST telling is who has NOT commented here... just keeping it 100. since about 1982.

  62. LOVE. Thanks for keeping it real. :D

  63. I couldn't have said this better! The thing about not commenting back on people's blogs really irks me. I find someone bigger than me, comment because I want to and not just comment with nothing to say, and they never respond. It makes me think they're a huge biotch in real life and lose respect for them no matter how good their writing is. One of my favorite blogs comments back every time I comment her. She doesn't follow back, but she doesn't come off as a snob either. I admire how you call people out, but do it in such a nice way.

  64. one of the many reasons why I follow your blog!
    LOOOOVE it!

    xoxo, bree

  65. wait, I am one of those people that say its not about the numbers! ravennnn!!!!!!!!!!! I really do mean it though--- not saying its not fun and nice to see people taking an interest but I guess when I am saying that I mean that I realize that if I were to stop blogging I MIGHT get a few e-mails asking why but honestly, after a week no one would care. you know what I am saying? so If I am "blogging" for people who really don't know me or care about me then I think I am wasting my life trying to please others......

    I just read another blog post today about negativity in the blog world, it seems to be a huge issue going around right now, blogging has changed so much! oh yeah, and I do a link-up but rarely link up to others for theirs but that is just because I BARELY get a post out each day as it is! hahah!

    love you for telling it like it is!

    1. AnonymousJune 19, 2012

      I'd care if you stopped blogging! I look forward to your daily/weekly Bella pictures and California stories!

      Just wanted to give a shout out to say "I Care"! (LOL)=D

  66. and, this is why i haven't blogged in a really long time. [and why i actually considered deleting my blog altogether.] i don't want to feel like i'm back in high school and all the cool kids are picking on me because i wear hand-me-downs and am a tall, gangly nerd. fuck all that. life's too short for all the insecurities blogging creates.

  67. Haha this made me laugh. This is so true. I'd like to add a few other things that make one a "blog snob"
    - putting in your sponsor/info- "don't even ask me to guest post because that will basically only benefit you and not me and we both know it"
    - defending that 5'9" at a buck 20 is a normal weight
    - people who NEVER talk about THE STRUGGLES IN THEIR LIVES and only portray their perfect husband/house/life. C'mon.

  68. This comment has been removed by the author.

  69. I've been anxiously awaiting this post. Amaze, my day is made.

  70. I agree on so many points and the pictures were perfect hahaha. I think people want to know other people are reading what they are saying. So it seems sort of silly and untrue to say “I don’t care about followers.” Although, my mom is a unique one. She’s had a blog for FIVE years, posted her 1,000 post the other day and she has 100 followers. haha 90 of those followers came from when us girls held the 12 days of Christmas giveaways and I made one of my entries to follow my mom’s blog. Hahaha so she really does write because shes so creative and likes it. but she DOES get excited about comments because I mean it goes back to the same point – its nice to know someone cares or is reading what you say! Feed back is good! people like feedback! And weeeeee love raven. The end :)

  71. I'm just getting in to the blog world but this is good information. I didn't realize there were so many "rules." I shall work hard to...well, first to even have the option of becoming a blog snob and then to not be one.

  72. So, because of the majority of your points listed above, I don't usually follow mega bloggers. They tend to be EXTREMELY impersonal which is not something I'm looking for in the blogging community. I also don't typically follow moms. Not that I don't like them...I just don't have much in common with them. However. I'm making an exception in your case, because between this post and a few [dozen] others I glanced through, you. are. hilarious. Thank you for bringing some sarcasm back into my life, it was desperately needed. Hope you have a wonderful week!


  73. I tend to follow those that have few followers - I think we should help each other out - I am actually following you because I like what you have to say. :-)

  74. Well that isn't a very nice way to describe me.

    ;)*winky faces are key to denoting sarcasm, you are welcome*

  75. PREACH! Thank you for taking the words out of my brain on so many of these points. Loved those pics too. Perfection. I like how real and honest you are. I do think there are some blog snobs and it makes me sad. But then again it helps me stick to reading the blogs I really like. And it really bugs me when people don't reply to comments too! I always like to acknowledge people when they take the time to comment, even if I'm a few days late! We all started with that one follower, and that's a very humbling reminder.

  76. Totally. I love this take.

    My friends who have started blogs and post like 2 updates and then a month goes by and they post another... and then randomly another months again always get frustrated- like how do you get comments? I'm like dude, it takes effort and a hard level of humility. I think I speak for most regular updaters when I say that it takes a LOT of time to keep your blog up and running but when you do, instinctively- people generally want to read what you have to say. This feeds into what you're saying that everyone starts with one, it's so true. So, so true.

    Personally, people can do anything they want on the Blogosphere... as long as they're humble about it. I LOVE self-deprecating HUMOR (not crys for help like you mentioned! But a healthy dose of "i'm WELL AWARE that my sh*t don't stink") so if there's a fashion blogger who only posts of herself, I'm fine with that but oh pretty please make me laugh along the way, otherwise- I just can't take all the modeling poses.

    I will say that the followers argument is totally valid but what I can't stand is when people ask to follow back. I blog for the right reasons and trust me, if we start a discourse and I enjoy going to your page- I will follow you no doubt. But you asking me for it just makes me think you're doing it for the wrong reasons.

    Finally, just how I feel about sponsored posts. I don't mind them at all in moderation but it sucks so bad when a cool blog loses its flair due to sponsors. I say 1-3 a month is a good number to shoot for without taking away from why people came to you in the first place, pre-sponsors.


    (ps I can't believe that girl tweeted you that)

  77. ps i meant to say "I'm well aware that my S&*% DOES stink"

  78. AnonymousJune 19, 2012

    I can't get past the blogger who commented on this post saying she has 28 followers and 3 of them are her dad. That's awesome!

    I have run across a lot of blog snobs. I don't follow any of them anymore.

  79. Amen! I am a small blogger.. I have 149 followers, but like someone else mentioned, a lot are family. My blog is MY way of documenting how I am feeling about MY kids. Point blank.

    What cracks me up the most about your post, is the comments. There are a few on here that said AMEN or Preach or agree, who never comment back. Hahaha! There is only TWO people that I comment on their blog that they comment back to me, or interact with me. Besides ones I have made friends with. That's the funniest.

    But Raven, I like you AND your blog, cause you are REAL! No sugarcoating shit. You don't care what others think of you, me either! I say fuck em!

    Thanks for the post.

  80. THIS IS AMAZING. I couldn't have said it better myself. I've personally witnessed "blog snobbing" and it irritates the shit out of me. I've been blogging since 2009 (or 2010? can't remember how long exactly...) although I took two verrrrrry long hiatus' in between. I started following this one blogger who started out around the same time as me. We became good "friends" and after I got back from my first hiatus, she jumped up about 500 followers and wouldn't even give me the time of day. And then I got married last month... I had personally asked a blogger to guest post while I was away not because she has 1800+ followers, but because I thought she was the shit and was funny as hell. I didn't even get an acknowledging email let alone a response.

    Oh, and don't get me started on the people who pretend to have "perfect" lives...

    Holy hell Raven, look what you started! hahaha!

  81. Soooo true!!! I can't tell you how many times I have almost quit blogging because of the blog snobs.

  82. hahahahhahahha! thank you thank you thank you for posting this!! i couldnt agree more with everything you said! xoxo

  83. Thanks for being a good blogger friend and being my first follower. I still only have 9 followers but I dont blog very often, so thats probably why!

  84. Well said mama, keeping it real as usual :)

  85. AnonymousJune 19, 2012

    Main reason I stopped blogging. It's like freaking high school and let me tell you, I HATED high school. B'ishes will always be b'ishes, and not the good kind either.

  86. HA HA! Yes, yes, yes. I agree with all of this! Honestly, I always feel like the biggest blog snob when I dub that title onto another blogger... but they are very real and definitely out there!
    I can't BELIEVE the twitter reply to you. What a BRAT!

  87. You seriously crack me up. These are all so true. I hope I never become one.

  88. I couldnt agree with you more and thats why I so love your blog because girl you spit the damn truth! I could give 2 shits how many followers you have if your blog suck I aint going to read it and if Im your only follower and your blog rocks Im def going to read that shiz
    Blog when you want dont when you wont, have fun, be real, dont be affraid to say what you feel becuase one of your followers might be offened if the real you will offend your followers then you dont need them.
    Keep it 100 Raven love ya

  89. Awesome post! As I am trying to figure out what I want my blog to be, I am learning more about the "snobby" blog world. I

  90. AnonymousJune 19, 2012

    thanks to you i am laughing in my office. my co-workers think i'm crazy. thanks for making my day. your sarcasm is always great. :)

  91. Again Raven strikes with the honesty meter! There are definitely some blog snobs out there for sure but to each their own...i've learned that when it comes to almost have to do it with blinders on and do it for yourself because it can be a very MEAN world!!

  92. Well, I'm sure a lot of people may think I'm a blog snob because I "don't always comment back", but I will tell you that I try to comment back whenever anyone has a question. And I have full-time 8 to 5 job, sell Stella and Dot and have a blog which I consider a 3rd job. I have never once turned down a guest post regardless of how many followers someone has. I say yes always even when I don't have the time because I feel bad. I don't even have time to update MY blog as much as I want yet I'm guest posting for 2 people in the next week.

    I'm not trying to throw hate at any of the small blogs because it wasn't very long ago I had no followers, but it takes works to get where you are. People can't just expect their blog to be a success over night. And you need good stuff on your blog. And you know what, not everyone should have a blog. You need to know how to write and connect to your readers.

    I have a lot to say about this. I agree on most points, but I people need to understand that the more traffic and comments you have, the harder it is to keep up especially with a 2 jobs. I think participating in a link-up every now in then is fun, but I prefer original content, which is why I rarely if ever participate. I don't like blogs that ONLY do link-ups.

    Remember Baby Bloggers series I did? I see no one else doing that.

    Again, I could go on. I'm annoyed. I'm just going to stop with my comment.


      I have a whole post addressing this "blog snobs" dont comment bullshit already set to post on my blog in the morning that addresses all of this!

      AMEN SISTER! It takes work to get where you are, it didnt happen over night. Ive been blogging for THREE years so NO I didnt just get the readers I have over NIGHT and neither will anyone ELSE.

      And I have news for some of you "baby bloggers" in THREE years lets see how many of you actually have enough time in the day to comment on EVERY single one of your 1000+ readers blogs and commernt posts. Rest assured there will be someone thinking YOU are RUDE and a blog snob.

      What goes about comes around, it only takes time.

      *Steps off soap box**

      For more read tomorrow's post!

    2. AnonymousJune 20, 2012

      want to read your post, but it's not public?

  93. and yes, I'm aware there are a lot of typos in what I just typed. I don't care.

  94. AnonymousJune 19, 2012

    I am apparently a blog snob.

    I could truly care less about how many followers I have, but I really appreciate the ones I do have. I very rarely sign on my blog and look at my numbers. And I don't follow everyone back and I definitely don't respond to every comment. I just can't. I barely have time to post, much less comment back on every comment and return every follow. I pretty much stay off the computer during the day especially if my kids are home and since it's summer, that means all the time and by the time their in bed it's all I can do to make it up the stairs. I love blogging and get so excited when someone takes the time to comment on any of my posts, but my time is devoted to my family and if not responding makes me a snob, then oh well I guess. At least my kids can never say that I wasn't' present for them.

    Your post tmrw should only involve bathing suit pics in the the snow.

    love your face.

  95. Thanks so much for voicing what others of us are thinking. I think we all exhibit one or two of these from time to time....but there are those that just never have time for anyone outside their cirlce. They don't last long in my reader.

  96. I agree. I agree. I agree. I do not even have 100 followers. I do not even leave my layout the same for crying out loud. Everyone is always telling me how much I change it. Heck, at least that means they are coming to it. They are stalking it! :) Ha.
    But, I loved it when you said about the linky parties. The part where most very popular bloggers ~ they host parties but they never link up in other parties. They NEVER comment back, they NEVER say thank you for "your kind words" on Twitter or sending a quick response email back. You know they get in their inbox! But, oh well right. I keep blogging. I keep doing what I love and saying nice things because I have met some incredible people though my blog and I have to say we are better friends than my real life friends. Seriously. My blog is a big deal to me and of coarse, I never put it before my family, but it's def. involved within my time management. I make time for everything else in my life. So, I will make time for what I adore and saying my thank yous and returning the follows. I loved this and it made me feel great that their are actually other people who feel the same way I do.

    Prime example, Sunday on Twitter, I followed Katie Cook. Well, if you do not know her she works for CMT. Well, she took the time to send me a DM to say thank you for the follow. I mean Katie Cook can even say thank you. So can these bloggers.

    So, thank you again and I am a new follower here. :) God bless you always!!!

    ♥ Stepha @

  97. AnonymousJune 19, 2012

    Youre just too much Raven! Thats why i love your blog!

  98. OMG! THIS IS SO TRUE. Seriously. There is nothing worse than a blog snob. I love how honest you are, and how blunt you are! One of the many reasons why I "follow" you. :)

  99. Couldn't have said it any better!

  100. You don't want to sit with The Plastics. Come sit with me at The Girls Who Eat Their Feelings table. Its right next to the Sexually Active Band Geeks table.

  101. Amen, sister! I recently found your blog and I am SO glad I did. From what I've read so far, you're not afraid to say out loud what everyone else is thinking. :) And this is totally off the subject but every time I see someone wearing mismatched "fashion-y" outfits I think of you and your love for fashion bloggers. ;)

  102. I just read through some Of these comments and a lot people are saying they never respond to all the comments they get because they can't. Apparently it's too much.

    I don't understand that. Why have a blog and why blog if you're going to ignore your readers comments? I guess if you don't care to respond then you wouldn't care if you stopped getting comments

    Maybe I just don't get because I'm small time.

    1. I agree why even have the comment box if you're not going to reply back to your readers. Even if its by email or on your blog you should always respond back.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. I tried twice to address this without being rude... It was impossible.

      "Until you walk a day in someone's shoes you have no right to judge them."

    5. AnonymousJune 20, 2012

      Kristen. Agreed.

    6. I don't think what you said was rude at all.

      I was stating my opinion. Maybe I don't understand, but isnt that ok? Shouldn't I be able to have an opinion without someone thinking I am being rude or judgemental?

    7. Also, the biggest problem I have with people not responding, is when I comment on a "big blog" often, and I NEVER get a response. Like, EVER. If I comment on almost every post, and you never respond? That, to me, is rude.

  103. I had the same issue where I would comment on someone's blog and they had over 500 followers they wouldn't even reply back to anything I posted. So I gave up. I love my followers because if it wasn't for them my blog wouldn't have grown as much in just a few months.

  104. I could not agree more! Very well said. Most of the time I I see the things you said in a blog I won't follow. I want to read blogs that are written by people who are real and I have things in common with or find them funny not people who think they are way more important than they really are.

  105. I absolutely love this post! You are soooo right about everything! I know that my tiny little blog has encountered some meanies before, and it was very hurtful.

    Thanks for the honesty and the straightforward style of laying it all out there!

  106. AnonymousJune 19, 2012

    preach it bish

  107. there are so many things I want to say about this post I dont even know where to begin! being a new blogger - i only started in feb I come across this all the time. blog snobs. its really gross & honestly I just want to say get off your high horse, youre a blogger not the freaking queen of england. i think my biggest pet peeve with bloggers in the last one you listed...the ones surfing for compliments. or the ones who use someting super personal about them to get everyone to feel sorry for them. it just drives me crazy. as for the follower count, i love how you called everyone out because thats exactly how it is..BS....everyone cares! its funny right before I started blogging I actually called out a blog snob on her BS and then she wrote a whole post on me...hahaha i was pretty funny. anyways im rambling. great post! everything you write is always a good read! xo

  108. Reason #234,567 why I freakin love you. Sorry I've been a bad blogger lately. Hopes you still lubs me.

  109. I already told you on twitter, but I love you.

    There are a few bloggers that don't reply back to me. Ever. Or on twitter. Or anything so I'm like.. ok.. f- you.

    But not f- YOU, Raven. You make me happy.

  110. I love this post and I love you! I remember when you told all of us that you wouldn't share your engagement story on the blog but we could e-mail you if we were interested in hearing it. I was so excited to see that you actually took the time to e-mail me back tell me the story! It was really cool! Thank you for replying to little ole me! :)

    1. I remember that too! Totally responded to my email :)

  111. HA! This is great!!! and refreshingly honest.

    new follower here =)

    xx, alisia e

  112. Way to hit the nail on the head! And that last picture had me cracking up! I figure at the end of the day, whether it's something you enjoy or not, a blog is a blog. No matter how many followers you have. No reason to make it so personal, the whole point is to have fun with it!

  113. Baby Blogger here. ( Will you all follow me? Haha - j/k...kind of. :0)

    Raven, I have followed you for a few weeks now and I just love your posts. I am glad you posted this, because I am new to blogging and am trying to figure out how to connect with the reading audience. Too personal, not personal enough, etc. etc. Everyday, I'm like "well today was just a normal un-eventful day, nothing to post about", so off I go for link-ups just to fill the non-post void (which I have even slacked on this week).

    Anywho, my point is that I am baby blogger, looking at the bigger blogs for advice, connection, and tips, etc. (which you have graciously provided for us all today.:0)) I don't want flowers and sunshine outlook, I want the good, bad, and ugly of blogging.

    Thank you for being real. Thank you for being funny. Thank you for your posts

  114. I think you're my new hero...thank you for this post. LOVED IT.

  115. RAVEN!!!!!! You are so amazing! Awesome post! I am a new blogger and started out with that big scary 0 followers! But I am so thankful I came across your blog because you are sooo real! You tweet back, you comment back etc. It is refreshing when someone who rocks the blogger world is the real deal. Thanks for posting what everyone is already thinking!

  116. Oh. My. Word. I cannot not put my love for you & this whole entire post in words right now! Seriously. While reading every single word within this post, I was laughing & grinning ear to ear the whole entire time! In case no one has informed you today, you're a total badass! :) Now don't be a nasty blog snob & visit my blog

    P.S. I linked up last week for the show & tell vlog & loooooved it! I vote for another Vlog link-up ASAP!

  117. Wow! I have a little blog too and although I personally haven't come across any blog snobs I have witnessed some pretty mean things on other people's blogs. :( It really does make me sad. Thanks for being so honest and putting everything out there and saying what some people are afraid to say!

  118. You are absolutely hilarious and SPOT ON with everything you have said. Especially about the follower count. It's such bull when they say the number doesn't matter.
    I read every single word of this post. You crack me up. So I will be reading more!

    Lady Million

    1. And also, I left a joking comment on a girl's post one time too. She took it the wrong way and then proceeded to send a bunch of nastyyy tweets about me and what a bitch I was. Jeeeeepers take a joke people... :)

  119. This is seriously THE GREATEST POST EVER! This is so funny and yet sooooo true... I have always hated it too when others say it's not about the followers its about the writing... I'm glad you said it and not me HAHAHA

  120. Shit - this was funny. And true. I am seriously a slave to my 'anal'ytics. Of course numbers justify your time and energy. If you weren't gaining readers - it would be hard to keep writing. I think I like you.

  121. AnonymousJune 19, 2012

    All that.... and now I have a NEW blog to follow! My list keeps getting longer and longer. So well put and true. Everyday I think to myself what it must be like to have hundreds of followers when I have a small meesly number.. but atleast it doesn't take me a week so get back to people and completely makes my day to get ONE comment after another. Ahhh us little people.

    1. Whoop! Whoop! I have 4 followers and very proud of them! :0)

  122. just started following your blog because of this post!!

  123. I'm so glad I found this funny and so true.

  124. This is the BEST!! Congrats for having the ''balls'' to say it out loud :) haha

  125. Absolutely Love.This. post! Luckily I've only had one run in like this. But, I'm sure there'll be more in the future. You couldn't have said any of this better. And now, I'm a new follower!

  126. 1) So true and so hilarious. I've had a couple of run ins like this. So sad that people forget what they used to be.

    2) My first-born son (well, currently our only child) is named Gunner too! I haven't heard the name many other places and I've never seen it spelled the same way. Very cool!

  127. Absolutely Love this post. I love your blog too. I am new to blogging and have experienced all of these things.

  128. All I have to say is: Bahahahahaha!!!!

    And, yes! I was nodding my head yes to every. single. one. of these. Thank you for nailing it on the head and for being funny in the meanwhile. Pretty sure I'm going to stick around ;)

  129. hahaha this is awesome. love love love it! new follower (:

    xo, b.

  130. oh man. this is so spot on. When I first started out, I sponsored a few "big" bloggers. Ya know, the one's who could take a picture with greasy nasty hair and an anthro dress and everyone would tell them how beautiful they are? Those blogs. So I paid my hard earned money to buy ad space. Do you know that they didn't bother to follow me on twitter, or follow my blog, or say "hey how ya doin thanks for that cash" or try to get to know me as a person? Nope, not a thing after the "thanks for your money" email. I blog for friendships. I love blogging, and I love the people that I've met. It really is about the friendships, and these people give the benefits a bad name.

  131. I have already filled in several bloggers for these categories! You are amazing and thank you for calling them on their SHIT. Share the love, not the $$ and snob-tude.

  132. I've been wanting for awhile now to post something about how most bloggers who have a large following quickly have it because of hosting giveaways and participating in bloghops - doesn't necessarily mean people are paying attention to their blog, but it does look nice on paper. I have mostly tried to shy away from that because as much as numbers are important, I do really want to be authentic and have real followers =) that's a little bit about what my last post was about, and why we're changing up our sponsorship a bit.

    thanks for saying all this that everyone was thinking without sounding bitter, Raven - I was afraid I might if I tried to post something like this =)

  133. Thanks so much! I read another post like this today. Great reminder to be humble and not get caught up on follower frenzy. Thanks for your honesty, my favorite thing about bloggers.

  134. HA HA HA. I LOVE this. So great. I'm new to the blogging world even though I've been blogging on a personal private blog for family for 7 years. It's catty out there for sure. These are SO true. I have made some great friends already though so it's worth it. Plan to follow you closely. I love how honest you are. If you want to follow back...great!
    Kelly @

  135. What a fun read. I can definitely see a lot of what you say play out here in the blogosphere as I'm trying to grow my blog and network. I think you're right that many people try to poo poo the #s game, but we all know (okay there may somewhere be an exception) that those followers really do make us grin.

  136. Hopefully you read comment #156 - and you'll have one extra follower to tick off in the morning! Good work!


  137. This is why I love you. No bull. Straight to the point. ;-)

  138. AnonymousJune 19, 2012

    By the number of comments....I'm thinking you hit the nail on the head, sister! :) Loving the honesty and giggles ~ ♥ paula

  139. You took the words right out of my mouth! Ahhh, why do there have to be blog circles and snobs? So annoying.

  140. This is exactly what I needed to read today! I have definitely dealt with some blog snobs lately. Thanks for telling it like it is!

  141. From one tiny freshman blogger to her wiser blogger sister... Thanks... Wanna guest post ;)
    Kim @ Singledou[b]t

  142. By far one of the best & most honest posts I've ever read. I had a lot of duh moments reading this, I was like I've never thought of this way. But it's so true. Sometimes I think the blog world is different and everyone likes each other - but in the end it comes down to the popularity game. I love this.

  143. Love this post. So true. Although I've never encountered this particular situation with guest posting and such, there is definitely blog snobs and CLIQUES out there. There's a certain blog meet up in a certain part of the country each year that I would honestly love to go to, but it's the same group each year and although they say they're open to new people.... I don't know. Just doesn't seem welcoming? They all have a history with each other, I would just feel like I'm imposing. Plus now to get tickets to the meet up, you have to have a bigger blog or prove you've been blogging for awhile. So, you kinda have to be "known". So yeah- I guess it's like this ;)

  144. Btw- thanks for following me on Google Connect ;) When I saw that I thought I was a cool kid for a moment :) You might not actually read my posts, but thanks for the follow!

  145. this made me laugh so hard. I love your honesty and being real wit' it! ;)

  146. hahahahaha oh raven.

    you're so right.

    i wrote something today about blogger rants on twitter...i hate the people who cry and cry and cry about no followers or no one commenting them...people don't always comment (like me...i lurk your blog every day...and comment like once a week...or lately more) and if you don't have comments stop crying about it on twitter...i think it links to your poor me/self deprecating (spelling?) topic. i think you should blog for yourself...or at least not care about new followers to where it's turning you into an evil bitch. i've seen so many of those in the past few months! it's easy to get caught up in the numbers game, but if you had one day left to live...would it matter how many comments you got???

    anyways, i love you.

    except when you post pictures of dead rodents in your toilet on instagram.

    you even "followed" me on my blog...and made my day a few months ago.

    you're definitely not a blog snob.

  147. You're awesome, just in case you didn't know that already. But really. This post is the damn truth. LOVE it so much. Thanks for speaking the truth and sticking up for us "baby bloggers" out there. Maybe one day all bloggers will get along in perfect harmony :) Happy Wednesday to you, lady!

  148. Just found your blog and I love it! I love that you speak your mind and it helps that your hilarious! This is all so true! Can not wait to read more posts!

  149. PREACH!!!
    It's funny. I've been blogging for just over a year and am still super small, but I love it, so I keep it up! I'm not going to pretend I don't want more followers because HECK YES I do!!! I even followed myself the other day just to see my number go up one (ohemgee can't believe I just admitted how lame I am!!) I always thought of you as a big time blogger, so when I've commented a few times, and you've replied? Well, first I nearly had a heart attack...but then my day was made!!!
    Thanks for not being a snob!!!

  150. First of all, your balls (aka implants) are made of steel.

    I guess my only opinion or input on this is that I certainly don't expect ANY blogger big or small to reply to every comment. We all have lives outside of the blog that we write (hello big blogger who also has a full time job or is a full time Mom. Guess what? So is the "little" blogger). We are all busy.

    BUT if I participate in your link up (which I do- often but mostly because I am lazy a lot), I totally expect you to st least acknowledge that I participated. I EXPECT a comment from the host if I participate. Unfortunately, they hardly ever do.

  151. This cracks me up! Love this post!

  152. AnonymousJune 20, 2012

    You just totally made my morning, seriously you're amazing. Luckily I haven't ran across a blog snob yet, and I sure hope not to! They sound pretty lame, and no fun at all.

  153. You're so right... I thought that only French bloggers acted this way, they call themselves "Bloggueuses inffluentes" ( means influent bloggers ). They never comment back, they never follow back you because they are the best, because sometimes, they're on TV and not you, because Zara asked them to "design" a shoe or a dress, because the attended the last Paris Fashion Week. I don't follow them anymore even if I'm only a drop in the ocean but this contempt makes me puke.
    Have a nice day ;)

  154. AnonymousJune 20, 2012

    Thank you for telling me what to look for and what not to become!! I am new to blogging with low followers and I totally get what you are saying. Thank you for your words of wisdom!! I do not want to be a blog snob, a snobby blog or anything else that crawls on the ground..hehe

  155. Hahaha this was awesome, thank you!

  156. I just stumbled across your blog and wanted to say Amen!! What's funny is that I think some people are blog snobs without necessarily meaning to be, yet I will see other people calling them so sweet or wonderful or whatever. I wonder if some of the bigger bloggers realize that they turn some people off through some if that behavior (not commenting/replying, etc)? Some probably don't care since they have their sponsors and numbers!

  157. I love this! I'm fairly new to blogging, and started FOR FUN to give me something to take my mind off the everyday responsibilities. I totally don't expect "big time" bloggers to reply to every comment- that's a ridiculous expectation! Most of the time I'm blogging in the hour I have for my lunch break, or the short time I have in the evening between dinner and bedtime! How could anyone else be expected to do more (I don't even have kids yet!) I totally don't expect to have any followers and am grateful for the ones I have! People need to lighten up a little :) Thanks for an honest post- I'm definitely a new follower!

  158. This is so true! Thanks for putting this out there, I'm sure pretty much ALL of us feel the exact same way.
    I've given up on commenting on some blogs (that I've commented on a lot) because they never respond, not once. I just lurk on your blog, I've never really commented. Maybe I should start :-)

  159. Seriously - Rav... I die. The "you can't sit with us" totally hit home with me. There are definitely a few people I have recently "unfollwed" because they blogged about.... each other. WTF? over. it. LOL. :) I wish you lived closer to me.. I would so kiss you on the mouth right now. Kidding... [no I'm not].

  160. Darn I thought you were going to call out specfic Bloggers! Its ok I still enjoyed reading it.


  161. I somehow missed this post yesterday but saw Kristen's today and had to jump on over and read all this shizz. I agree with most of what you said. I try so hard to reply back to people and comment on a wide range of blogs, not just my "clique" etc. Everyone started from somewhere and I get that! Way to preach it sistah.

  162. Loving the honesty in this post. I pretty much agree with everything you said!

    XO Lourdes

  163. AnonymousJune 20, 2012

    As a fairly new blogger I have noticed the "blog snobs" but it is so far beyond me because I have not been blogging that long and don't have a huge blogging community. I really enjoyed your post and I totally agree!

  164. i'm just a little new blogger trying to find my place in the world and these blog snobs are kind of discouraging.

    raven, i have followed you for about a year now and you are always honest and without a doubt someone i do look up to on blogging. i mean you changed your comment form and were concerned we(your followers)would be upset and not see you were commenting back and wrote a blog post about it!

    thank you for always being honest and witty and for your britney spears obsession (i'm a co-obsesser) go girl!

  165. I love this post! Truth to a T!!!

  166. I don't have a blog yet but follow(lurk) LOTS of blogs. And Raven you are hilarious! keep it up!

  167. I have seen so many people say "it's not about the number of followers" and then subsequently post "500 follower give away, if I get to 500 followers then I will give you something great." Then you know they are a liar.

  168. This makes me feel better about my little blog :)
    I always get so discouraged when i think about certain "pro bloggers" that i constantly read and comment to and either they don't answer me or i get a simple "thanks". Like seriously? Some of these people think they are real life celebrities and forget, no one would know who you are if it werent for linking up, commenting, sharing, and most of all writing real blogs.
    Thanks for reminding me that my little blog is still important no matter how many followers i have :) and for sticking up for the "little man"

  169. I think I've said this exact comment [many times] before - you rock. That's all.

  170. At work so I have to sneak this as quick as I can but I seriously love you.

    This post hit the nail on the head.

    Standing ovation from Texas my dear.


  171. THIS IS SOOOOO true!! I, having just 66 followers feel that way ALLLLLLL the time. thank u for this post..
    maybe those Blog Snobs will read this and feel like shit

  172. AnonymousJune 20, 2012

    i literally had no clue that people really blogged and i have no idea how my total and complete boredom at work led me to your page but i have you bookmarked and check back constantly for new posts! i am obsessed and think you are hillarious. love that there is this whole subculture and naturally there are bitches in it haha


Please, tell me what you think! I love reading your thoughts and opinions, and I find some of my favorite blogs through my comments!