The Time I Did A Vlog With My Husband


Before I go on, you must know a few things. Number one and most importantly, I edited the living breathing life out of this vlog. I'm talking hard-core editing took place. I had to chop out about half the content. Yes, it was that bad. The vlog in its entirety? I'm sure you all would stop reading and I'm positive that my mother would disown me. 

With that said, a lot of you will still probably stop reading and my mom may still very well disown me. 

Please don't think you have to watch. If you already like me enough, you should probably just come back tomorrow. And mom? Just shut your computer off right now. Trust me on this.

Don't say I didn't warn you. It's eleven minutes you'll never get back.



  1. I'm still watching... but you guys are killing me... especially your husband....

    "everyone knows her from Entertainment Tonight because she's in rehab like every other night."

    You are the bestest person ever for posting this...

    oh wait your hubs just said that song "I'm born to be myself" bababahahahaha


  2. OH

    I love you and your adorable hubby! M would NEVER do this unless I got him drunk. I still have lots of QUESTIONS about the edited part.

    You have ginormous girlballs and I'm hoping mine get to be as big as yours soon.

    Thanks for doing it again this week! Your followers will probably laugh as much as I did!!!!! HILARIOUS! I'll be back to watch it tonight so I can show M what cool husbands do! ;)

    PS. I love how you met him. We are members of the local skank club here but there is nothing but swingers up in that joint. Ew.


  3. I am sooo dying... yea that's right I just commented again... how you guys met...oh man... the honesty is making me so happy


  4. Umm... how many of those Crown Royals did he have to actually sit there and do a vlog with you? Does he even know what a vlog is? (No offense Rob) ;) And I so remember the teal shirt, but you are going to have to let that one go one day!!

    - Rach

  5. Ah I LOVE THIS! You two are HILARIOUS! I loved it.. Plus the cocktails..

  6. HAHA, I love that you have Rob in this. I love that hes drinking. I love that he knows Lady Gaga.
    (I'm commenting as I watch)
    I am DYING laughing at you two. You two have not changed in 8 years!!

    You TOTALLY remind me of Boobie. The jokes and way you two laugh.

    LOL 501 Levi's!! HA. OMG, Michael loves cardigans too.

    What did you have to promise Rob to get him to do this???

    Country Clubbers... You know you love that ;)

    Haha.. 5 bottles.

    Ha... Go Cougs!!

    lol silk shirt with high waisted tight tapered jeans.

    He totally loves this!!

    They are great looking lil boys.

    haha, great way to end it. I LOVED THIS!!!

  7. OMG you and your husband are hilarious! love it!

  8. This made my dad. I am still laughing my ass off I love yall! haha

  9. You two are freaking hilarious. I loved it!

  10. I watched the whole thing! So awesome. It's like sitting there at your house with the 2 of you! Comedy.

  11. that is freaking hilarious! rob is awesome in this video!!!!!!!

  12. haha! Keepin it real :)

    Do you vlog with the camera on your computer??

  13. seriously...this shit cracks me up! You guys are a perfect match and are both hilarious. I so needed a good laugh tonight and thanks to your 11:27 vlog...I think I got what I needed, although it did make me want to pour a glass of wine and drink my night away. But who ever said that was a bad thing? I certainly didn't. Loved it.

  14. ROFL!! You are a doll, and you guys are hilarious! I died when you were talking about his high waisted tapered jeans! about bad trends...was that even a trend?
    I make my husband do the vlogs and I think he likes it a lot. :)
    THanks for the chuckle

  15. You both are too funny. I sense reality tv show in your future?!?!

  16. You guys totally made my night. Seriously. Hilarious. Loveddddd this. HAHAHA!!!

  17. HAHA!!! This is TOO funny- the cocktails were the perfect touch. Can't believe you were able to get the hubs to join in!!

  18. Did I just watch this in its entirety?
    Yes, I did.Hahahaha, seriously you guys crack me up. I loved that you chose B.Spears! I won't lie, I saw that in theaters!

    Can't wait for some more of your vloggin! You husbands sense of humor is such a plus!


  19. This was fun! I'm curious too how you do the vlog? I couldn't even get my blog to upload a simply minute long video the last time I tried.

  20. Awesomeness.that is all.

  21. i almost peed my pants watching your vlog!!!!!! you two are great!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    i want to vlog!!!!! lol

  22. Not even kidding. In tears laughing.

    Love. It.

  23. OH EM GEE!!! Hahaha freaking hilarious! I loved this! My husband would never do this! Even if he did, he wouldn't be as funny as your man!

    Hahaha I'm still lauging!

  24. Can't remember if you said it or not, but I agree the butt ass low hang below your ass jeans have got to go on guys! I'm a girl and I want to smack or "backhand" as your husband put it lol to guys i see walking around like that!

  25. This is seriously hilarious you two are a riot!!!!! :-)

  26. I'm 55 seconds in and I'm already dying! There is no way my husband would do this. What did you have to promise him to play along?

    I have heard of and seen Crossroads, maybe I shouldn't own up to that. You're hubby is still killing me! He looks like, like, crap I lost his name! I'll have to Google search it, but what do I enter in, bald actors?

    The two of you banter like I do with my hubby. I love to see other "happy couples" just like us!

    I seriously love this! You make one hell of a trophy wife!

  27. Steve Austin, that's who needs to play your hubby!

    Sorry, but I'm the annoying friend who will call you 3 hours after I went home to tell you the name of the song, movie or actor we couldn't remember.

  28. LOVE your vlog! You and your hubby had me rollin'!

  29. What a great sport!!!! I don't think I could pay my husband to vlog!

  30. This is hilarious!! You and your hubby crack me up. I love how he said lady gaga is the new madonna. Love it!!!

  31. HAHA omgosh! that video is too funny :)


  32. Hahahahaha. Oh my gosh, this video had me dying laughing!! Y'all go perfectly together!! He totally was loving it and did not want to stop. Haha. My husband would NEVER do this!! I'm jealous!

  33. I liked you, yes. Enough? Probably not ever. My love for you will grow more and more constantly.


    Please do this all the time. Both of you. It's greatness.

  34. Lurveee your vlog! You crack me up! Go hubby :)

  35. RAVEN!
    i just watched this at work, and i laughed out loud and now everyone thinks i'm weird.

    "YOU'RE NOT 46."

  36. HAHAHAHAHAHA! Favors?! That sounds like my house! I can normally get whatever I want for favors! Men are SO easy! I so need to steal your idea and get my husband to Vlog I am not sure if I could ever get him to do it no matter what favor I give him! I totally know what CROSSROADS is! He seems SO much like my husband! My husband loves a cuppy butt too! Maybe if I get my hubby drinking lol I could get him to do it! I would have laughed my butt off if you had just downed that entire glass of wine all in one whack! That would have been classic! I could totally hang out with you all and listen to your BS all the time lol! Hells to the YEAH!

  37. Gosh, I wish I could be so brave.. it was an act of God that got me to do my 1st Vlog earlier this month and to get the hubs to do it with you! BRAVO!! I asked my hubs if he would just let me ask him some questions that I would type in his answers and he said no. So, that doesn't even put him in front of the camera.. which by the way, love your new camera shots!! I would be lost with out mine too.. Thanks for linkin up and its fun to hear other bloggers talk!! :)

  38. Yep. I just watched all 11 minutes and 27 seconds and was actually bummed when you turned the camera off b/c you two were freaking entertaining! Your husband is all man and I can not believe he sat down with you to do that vlog. I love how you two go back and forth at each other... so comfortable in every way. You guys cracked my shit up and I hope you do more of these together... drinking! LOL!!!

  39. Holy moly this video cracked me UP! I just found your blog and about died when I saw this!! So need to get the husband in on this too! Hahah! I may or may not have watched it twice... :) Newest follower, hello hello!!!

  40. you and your husband are so funny!! hahahaahaha I loved the crossroads statement. This was awesome.

    Come check out my Tuesday Twin Tip!

    ps. your baby boys are too cute!


  41. hahahaha this is awesome.
    loving you blog.
    and the vlog.

    new follower:)


  42. I loooooved this! You two are so fricking cute and hilarious! Completely compatible! Which I am sure you're glad to hear that since you're married and all...hahah
    By the way, I worshipped Britney in Crossroads!
    Y'all need to do more vlogs!

  43. Goodness, you know the wine is flowing, 1:15AM and I am throwing the y'all out there.

  44. Um... "I'll have what she's having!" ;)

  45. Comedy, genius. When are you two getting your own show?

  46. bahaha!!!! that was awesome. You should do this more often!

  47. ok so you dont have an accent, hahaha.

    Also your hubs cracks me up he's like whatever she is going to sex me up after this that's why i'm doing it. hahahaha.

  48. LMAO! This is effing hilarious. I didn't think it was possible to love you anymore, but it happened.

    OMG - your laugh after he said Lady GaGa!!!!!!!!! hahahahahaha

    I'm commenting as I watch and BBMing you too. (FYI)

    "yah because you're 60 right?" lol

    His face and laugh after you said he didn't drink until he was 21. HAHAHAHAHA

    "i don't know what a trend is. 501 levi's are back!" hahahahaha

    "Number one, I've never slinked in anywhere I've gone." again, hahahahaha

    drinking 5 bottles of wine in the night.

    Your facials are the best part. Please make him do this once a week.

    HAHAHAHAH TAPERED JEANS! Hello, umm did you read my blog post about tapered.

    ok this was great. Bringing you bread, see you soon!

  49. Turkish Underwears
    please look:)

  50. This was amazing!!!! Your relationship is adorable! There are too many points to hit, but I don't want those eleven minutes back, you go ahead and keep them! :)

  51. Ok... so you guys are hilarious :) you are just like my husband & I :) :)

  52. my fave highlights:

    Britney Spears in Crossroads... duh we know what that is!

    "born to be myself... whatever it's a good song"

    "i don't know what a trend is"

    & his high waisted tapered pants and silk button down t-shirt

    hahah this was sooo funny, you should do the vlog with the hub more often!

  53. lol....I was seriously smiling the whole time, and if I wasn't doing that, I was laughing.

    The jeans and the silk turquoise shirt tucked in his high waisted jeans??? When you said Hell to the No...LOL.

    Love your blog, Raven! :)

  54. this is probably the most fabulous thing i have seen in a looooong time!!! i absolutely love y'all! hahaha.

    2 things: a) kevin costner is my hot old[er] man crush - good choice there! b) tell your hub that i actually had that goal in high school [to be a sahm, kids, all that] so booyah!! :P

  55. litterally almost peed my pants this was the most funniest thing EVER..

    "NO names they wak dis blog, no names they watch this blog"

    and your face, when ur Hubs would say something LMAO so hilarious!

    loved it.

  56. damnit..WATCH NOT wak...(wth is this word)

  57. Dear RAven and mr. RAven,

    Diggin the vlog, funny shit. I wish my wife would drink wine and do vlogs... lemondade? seriously... yall need to talk.

    yours truly, drew

  58. I seriously just laughed my behind off! You guys cracked me up!

    Your hubs was so funny crackin on Britney! I'm sorry, he was hilarious! I love Britney though too and I know what Crossroads is!!

    Ohhh MMMM Geee!! Do more vlogs together!!

  59. This made my day, thank you!!!! I was cracking Up so much that Chris made me put on headphones lol!!! Y'all are awesome

  60. AnonymousJune 14, 2012

    Hahaha!!! Your hubby is a good sport! This made me laugh so hard! You guys are amazing! <3

  61. Ha! I don't know how I possibly missed this vlog until now - you guys are hilarious.

  62. "No namey names..." LOL!

  63. Please do more if these so I can "hang" out with you guys! Cracked me up and reminded me of how my boyfriend and I are!

  64. do you guys have a pretty big age difference like my fiance and I, right? that would be awesome!

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